Saturday, November 19, 2011

Twilight vs. Harry Potter

I am really sick of people comparing these two totally separate and different franchises to one another. They are, truly, nothing alike. I know everyone is entitled to their opinions, but if people would take a second to think about this, I think they’d realize how right I am. :) Let me explain. Now, just for the record, I am focusing on the books in this blog, not the films.

The Harry Potter series began as a bed time story that J. K. Rowling told her children. They loved it and that kept her going and it became what it is today. She added more books and as her children (and fan base) aged, so did the style of writing she used in these books. They are a fantasy world of witches and wizards, full of magic. They also have in them wonderful life lessons making them heartwarming and a fabulous place for our children to escape to. It started a whole generation reading again. I think we all owe J. K. Rowling a debt for that.

Twilight began as a dream Stephenie Meyer had about the meadow scene in her first book. They do deal with fantasy, but not really with magic. Rather they deal with certain mythical creatures, however she bases them as much as she can on science, attempting to make them as realistic as possible. She started writing them not for children, but for herself and women like her. They are simple to read, so I suppose that’s how they ended up on the Young Adult shelves, but in all honesty, they were not meant for that audience. They were meant, and I’ve seen her say this herself, for women her age to look back on their lives and feelings at the age of Bella Swan. Bella’s character was not made to set a good example for women; Twilight is the product of a woman’s passionate fantasy. The suspense and intense feelings between Edward and Bella are so much stronger than humanly possible. That’s part of what makes the book so good. It’s an indulgence; a great one. As the books progress and the story develops it becomes more about the characters and the excitement of their lives, but if you read Twilight over, I think you’ll find more than anything that it’s about the anticipation of not knowing if he can resist her blood, and then they fall in love and it becomes about how they can possibly work out. The whole idea that they can’t be together physically without tragic circumstances, and yet they are passionately addicted to one another, causes a sexual tension that, let’s face it, women cannot easily resist (nor should we). It’s full of sexuality and borders on erotica in places. Frankly, I’m astonished that so many parents have allowed their young girls to read them. I guess it just shows how lazy, or just indifferent, parents have become.

Okay, I feel better now that I've gotten that out of my system. I hope this gives you a better understanding of the books and maybe makes you realize something you didn't before. I also hope that you all can appreciate each story for what they are instead of treating them like some ridiculous battle you need to take sides of that the stupid media has created.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


The thing I want more than anything else in life is to fall madly in love with a wonderful man who loves me back and live the rest of my life striving to make him happy as he strives to do the same for me.

But that only happens to a few lucky people in this world. I've been trying to live life without sitting around waiting for that to happen to me. It's surprisingly not that easy to do. I think I have to learn to live life as it comes at me. But how do you live without hoping for something to happen? I know, I know... hope for it, but learn to live happily without it. Well, I'm working on that. and it sucks. lol.

I truly hope I get to be one of those lucky few who fall madly in love. I can't imagine living life fully without that. Oh, and the younger the better. I'm 24.... c'mon already. lol.

Friday, September 30, 2011

"You have an excuse for everything!"

That's what my good friend said to me today, and she hit the nail on the head, I'm afraid. I do have an excuse for everything. I've been letting life get me down. I feel like crap, I look like crap, and I have been making excuse after excuse for it. They're accurate excuses. I've been telling them to myself, as well as to other people when they accuse me of being bitchy or whatever.

"I need to get on a regular sleeping schedule, but I get up early all week and stay up late for work on the weekends. So what happens is I'm exhausted in the mornings during the week, and I 'can't' make myself get out of bed until the last minute, so I hardly ever wear make-up (not that I ever wore that much), I rarely get to eat breakfast and when I do it's something fast and greasy. I'd like to work out, but I over-heat really easily, and therefore have only been able to do it in the EARLY morning before it gets hot, and I feel like I HAVE to shower afterwards, so working out anywhere besides around my house where I can use my OWN shower is out of the question ('cause that's where my things are, and carrying them around is too much trouble.) So for a while I was getting up early and working out, but then I went to work that weekend and haven't been able to get up early enough ever since. I'd like to be thinner, but (see my previous excuses.) I'd like to eat healthier, but I dont' have time/ money/ the experience to cook the things I like. I like fresh, warm, fantastic food and that takes time and all the aforementioned things to make and take that day for lunch. I could bring a sandwich, but that got old and boring a long time ago...." I could go on forever.

Hopefully, you see my point. I've been doing this for a long time. I'm not LOOKING for excuses. I'm LOOKING for ways to get my shit together... but these excuses... are why I'm not succeeding. Well, I guess I just have to get the fuck over the excuses. I have to make myself do what I know I should do no matter how tired or broke or craving-of-ME-time, or whatever I am. It sucks. But such is life. I don't want to. I want to get enough sleep... not just because I want to, but because I know how important sleep is and how it affects sooo much (your health, your attitude, your everything.) This is going to be very difficult for me. I'm sure it's very difficult for everyone. But then, why do I appear to be the only one struggling with this? Tell me there are more people like me out there. I never thought of my self as a lazy, selfish person, but maybe I've been acting like one/ becoming on in recent years.

But doesn't one have to be just a little bit selfish at times? Isn't that healthy? Especially during these years of early adulthood when I'm trying to get on my feet? You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anything, or anyone, else. At least that's what I've believed and have been trying to live by. But maybe you can't do one first and then the other. You have to do both at once... and that's just one more thing that makes life so challenging. But, on top of all that, in my efforts, I haven't been taking care of myself. I haven't been taking care of anything, really. I've been doing "my best" to get by, and then running into excuses for why I can't take care of myself the way I'd like to: money, time, energy, on and on and on.

It's a vicious circle that I'm going to have to learn to get past if I want a happy, successful life... and I do.

Friday, July 29, 2011

I need to remember...

I need to remember that I'm not STUCK here for another year... I'm blessed to be here.

I need to remember how lucky I am to be able to go to a school with such fabulous music teachers.

I need to remember that it is a blessing that I CAN still live at home. Lots of kids were kicked out of their houses at 18, or just can't get along with their parents.

I need to remember that people, as annoying and stupid as they can be, can also surprise you with how loving and amazing they can be. There are good people out there, even today.

I need to remember, that complaining about being stuck in a rut might let some of the stress out, but besides that, it really doesn't accomplish much. The only way to get out of a rut, is to keep trying and trying until you finally are. It's like that little story from "Catch Me if You Can" about the 2 mice that fell into a bucket of cream. Give up and drown, or keep trying and eventually succeed. Those are the options, and this is the only life we get to make the right choice.

Stay focused on the good. The bad things will pass.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Remember when Summer was fun??

I do not want to be a kid again, believe me, but I do envy them their Summers of freedom and joy. Adults need Summers too, and it's a shame we don't get them, not to mention unhealthy and disheartening.

One more year of school (hopefully) before I graduate, but I don't feel like I'm close to anything extraordinary. I am proud of this music degree. I've learned a lot and it's all been a great experience. However, with no idea where it will take me, and no clue how to get there, I have a feeling that in a year, when I graduate, I'll feel just as lost as I do now. And then what? Work at a coffee shop for the rest of my life? I'm blessed to have the job, but it is just not a place I want to end up.

There aren't photography/ film classes being offered at my Uni. I've been wanting to get my massage license for years and something has always gotten in the way; mostly money. My car keeps breaking in new and interesting ways, and mechanics are expensive, and often untrustworthy. I just feel life going in a downward spiral, and yet, shouldn't this time be the most exciting time of my life?

I just want to go somewhere amazing and stay there and figure life out there. Be done with school and just GO somewhere, with no money and no plan and find it there! But that's a tremendous leap of faith. Maybe my goal for this year will be to muster up the courage to do that! That or find something here worthwhile.

Dear God, help me.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Looking for love....

"I'm looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love."

"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back...
...But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."

--'Carrie' in the Series Finale of Sex and the City

"Anything less than mad, passionate, extraordinary love is a waste of your time."

"There are too many mediocre things in life to deal with and love shouldn't be one of them."

--Dream for an Insomniac

Erica: Listen to me. You can't hide from love for the rest of your life because maybe it won't work out... maybe you'll become unglued? It's just not a way to live.
Marin: Are you telling me this is good? What's happened to you?
Erica: I think you should consider the possibility that you and I are more alike than you realize. I let someone in, and I had the time of my life.
Marin: I've never had the time of my life.
Erica: I know, baby. And I say this from the deepest part of my heart. What are you waiting for?

--Something's Gotta Give

Robin: I need to know…
George: What? Do I still love you? ...Absolutely. There’s not a doubt in my mind, that in all my anger, my ego, I was always faithful in my love for you. That I made you doubt it… that is the great mistake in a life full of mistakes. The truth doesn’t set us free, Robin. I can tell you I love you as many times as you can stand to hear it and all that does, the only thing, is remind us, love is not enough, not even close.

--Life as a House

Friday, May 27, 2011

FINALLY Summer 2011!!

This semester was by far the most stressful of my college career. By the grace of God, I got through it, passing everything except my piano proficiency, but hey, I'll take that!! It has been a crazy semester, to say the least, with the load of classes and all the stupid politics going on in the school administration. I am beyond grateful that it is finally over!!

This Summer has not been the least bit boring. First Borders closed, so the first week of my summer I was working for them as they were liquidating for a final week. Then it was time to find a job, which thankfully, I have, at Starbucks, and I'm loving it so far. But other than work, there have been bachelorette parties, car troubles, choir rehearsals, cement pouring... there has not been a dull moment yet. There is always something to do, and that's probably because, to some extent, I have to catch up on all the things I couldn't do during the semester!! I swear, if you are a full time student who works, you really have to put your life on hold to do what you need to do. I've got one more year of putting my life on hold, and it really sucks, from that perspective. I'm about to be 24, and I'm feeling it.

I feel... stuck in a rut. I'm not ashamed of living at home. I'm not ashamed of being single; in fact, I'm kinda proud of it because I have not settled for anyone, and I never will. However, in all honesty, I am sick of being stuck in those two situations. I feel that my job at Starbucks is a stepping stone to getting out on my own because I'm getting paid more by the hour than I have anywhere else. Also, I'm in the beginnings of setting up my own Mary Kay business. I never thought I'd be one of those women, and in all honestly, I do not really fit in with them, but it seems like a good opportunity that could actually get me somewhere, if I put enough effort into it. I hope I'm moving in the right direction...

...But I know I'm still going to be at home and probably single a year from now... and that makes my soul hurt. I'm trying to keep an open mind and say, "anything could happen," but come on... I've still got a year of school left... I won't have time for crap else. And even after that, I'll be starting my life!! for real! Trying to get out on my own, and hopefully become a self-sufficient adult!! That's going to take a hell of a lot of work, too. So... when is life going to happen? People keep saying, it'll happen when I least expect it. Well I'm almost 24.... and I'm sick of being patient. What does God want from me?! I don't understand.

Song: Make You Fell My Love -- Adele

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Okay, so the Opera this year is an evening with Leonard Bernstein, and it's going to be really cool. We've got clips of him talking, so he's MCing his own show, and all of the numbers are coming together really well! I hope you can all make it out! The show is Friday and Sunday night at 8 PM in Dunham Theater at HBU. There is a suggested donation at the door of $15, but if you can't pay, don't worry about it. Just pay what you can/ would like; it would REALLY help us out, but if you just want to come watch the show, you're more than welcome to do that!! You will have a great time! It's going to be fabulous!

Also, my Junior Recital is coming up (eeeek!). I would greatly appreciate your support. These are the most important and exciting part of my degree; this Junior Recital and then I'll have a Senior Recital next Spring (probably-- It's obviously not on the calender yet.) Just please, if you care about me at all, come! These are possibly the most important events in my life thus far. My Junior Recital is Monday, April 25th at 7:30 PM in Belin Chapel at HBU. It's free and we will be going out afterwards, so join us if you can!

Thanks in advance for your support! My friends and I are working so hard, so we greatly appreciate it!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I am feeling sooo overwhelmed I don't know what to do. I don't have time to do anything. I don't have time to write this post, or take any time at all for myself, but I have to. I just can't seem to focus only on all the ridiculous amounts of work I have to do. I have no idea if I'm actually going to pull it off, and yet, if I don't pull it off, I'm screwed. There goes the past 6 years of my life trying to achieve a college degree. I'm 23. When did things get so heavy? When did life just start to collapse in on me? Don't talk to me about relying on God. What does that mean exactly? He's not going to do it all for you. You have to try. You have to do what you can, right? You have to bust your butt. He's not going to get this degree for me; I have to do that. And I am not the student I need to be to do that. I focus on one thing, then another thing falls apart. I focus on one class, then another classes grade falls apart. I focus on my crummy little job, and then come home and focus on my degree, and then go back to work like I'm a beginner again. I'm killing myself in the process of trying to grow up. How does anyone balance everything? I really want to just give up: go crawl into bed and not come out until this is all over, whatever "this" is.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

people = stupid??

Truly... I wonder sometimes. We're supposed to be intelligent beings, right? How come I hear about all these intelligent people, but meeting them in person is so exceptionally rare? Most of our clientel where I work don't know the difference between cappuccino and latte... mocha and coffee. Seriously... what is wrong with people? We have the internet, where you can literally find out anything you want to know in complete privacy and almost instantly, and yet I swear we're getting dumber and dumber. So, what is it? Do we expect to be handed everything and therefore, have we become nothing but a bunch of lazy idiots? By "we," I'm hopefully just talking about Americans, but then it's probably only a matter of time before it echo's into the rest of the world. Ya know, America used to be where all the people who needed freedom from their countries came, and innovated, and invented, and created a whole new country, and anyone could become anything they wanted, and anything could happen. Where is that America now? 'Cause almost all I see everywhere I go is a bunch of lazy idiots who expect to be given everything, expect that no matter what happens in the rest of the world, our country will continue on being free and "happy." Not to mention a bunch of crazed, busy, frantic people who don't think food in a restaurant should ever take more than 15 minutes (food takes time to cook people, and even longer to get ordered and made correctly), hate their jobs/ lives and don't ever seem to stop and think, "what can I do to make this world better?" or hell, just THEMSELVES better!! They just keep going with the vain, ignorant hope that everything will work out okay. And, in the meantime, treating everyone around them as if they do not matter half as much as them.

I know people have been convinced the world is going to hell for centuries, constantly asking, "what is this world coming to," and it hasn't quite imploded yet, but how bad does it have to get before WE CHANGE IT!!! I really don't get it. God gave you a brain people. THINK!! Treat others as if they matter, maybe even more than you, 'cause guess what... THEY PROBABLY DO!! Let's just go with that: they probably do. 'Cause who can say otherwise? Just God. When you go to a restaurant, recognize that the hostess/ waitress is probably a high school girl trying to save up for college, or a car, or to help her family make ends meet in these difficult times. And recognize that if you have to wait an hour for a table on a Saturday night, THAT'S NOT HER FAULT!! Don't treat her like a servant, 'cause she's not one. Treat her as you would like someone to treat your daughter/ sister/ mother/ wife. When you criticize the celebrities that we all love to criticize so much, try to let some part of you remember that they are not perfect, they are not out there to be a good example for our kids or whatever. They are just people.... people who wanted to act, or sing, or whatever... and they're trying to figure life out just like we all are. Don't use whatever complaint you can come up with about wherever you're shopping/ eating/ staying as an excuse to show off by complaining and acting like an arrogant jackass. Treat people like people. Why is that so hard? When people work under you, that does not mean that you can/ should treat them like dogs/ servants. Recognize that you should treat them with the same amount of respect that they show you (which yes, aught to be a lot).

That was a really long soap box rant, and I'm sorry, but I'm just currently astonished by the number of people who don't know or enact these basic truths. A person's a person no matter how small/ big/ dark/ light/ skinny/ fat/ morose/ cheerful/ rich/ poor...... blah blah blah. Get off your high horse. Learn a thing or two about the world. There's a lot more to it than just what you see in your tiny, narrow perspective.

I'm going to use that last sentence as a cheerful reminder that hopefully, (I pray, dear God, pleeeaaaaseee!!!) not everyone is a selfish idiot, no matter how strongly it may seem that way.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


So I'm done with the "working out" entries. At least for now. I mean, 1- I haven't been working out. This has been the week from hell, and this semester doesn't look like it's gonna lighten up. 2- No one's commenting or encouraging me or anything, and that is kinda the point of it, so, forget it. I'll just write when/ what I feel like writing.

Which, right now is... THANK GOD FOR THIS WEEKEND! I've been busting my ass writing a paper all week. One which I, very stupidly, put off until the last minute. These days, I feel so overwhelmed with school, I guess I just put things out of my mind and try to deal with what's in front of me (which is a lot in itself). But that means that these things sneak up on me, and that is very very incredibly and potentially academically fatally awful. lol. (I dunno if that was the correct way to put those words together, but hopefully you understand what I mean.) So, I don't really know the best way to fix that, but I'm just going to try and tackle everything as early as possible. It's difficult though when I finally get some time to myself to sit and relax, to spend it doing hw. Such is, sadly, the life of a full time college student, though. I wish I didn't have to be full time for my scholarship. Or I wish that the school system understood that full time for a music student is far worse than the normal full time. I mean, choir is like an hour credit course, but we meet every single day and have rehearsals and concerts outside of it, and if we're a good choir, then that takes us working on our part outside of class as well. Then there's Private Voice which, I've got a recital to give this semester, so hopefully that explains why I'm going so insane. I'm really beginning to wonder if I am physically and mentally capable of doing all the things I need to do this semester. And I don't think having a recital adds any official hours to my course-work... which is insane. I could go on all day, but to sum up, how the hell does anybody do this?? I fell like my life has to be on hold until I graduate, but oh wait, IT CAN'T. I still have family commitments, financial issues, and a million other struggles to deal with.

Sigh, I dunno... but here I go to try. Thanks, to those of you who actually do read this.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

working out- weeks 2 & 3

Okay, so, obviously, I've missed a week of writing in here, and surprise, surprise... I haven't been working out either. I have a pretty good excuse in that I've been sick and still have had to balance that with school and work. However, like I said before, it's still an excuse. I'm just going to try to pick myself up again and get motivated again... as soon as I can.

I am still sick, though on the mend. I went to the doctor yesterday and am taking a million things to try and get over this ASAP. I have another choir concert this week. Last week was our "Pops" Concert to raise money for Vienna, and this week is the Rutter Requiem with a local church choir. My primary concern is school, with a paper due next week and a recital to prepare for, and hopefully being able to sing for this concert on Friday. Working out will have to take a backseat as I work at those things first.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

working out- week 1

I have a recital to get ready for, a busy, stressful schedule, and a body that I've been fighting with for my entire life. I've always been just a little bit heavier than I've wanted to be. I always get motivated in pieces... I start working out, try to get it regular, but shortly after something happens that gets in my way and I break the habit and, honestly, don't try very hard to get back into it. I know that I'd feel better in general if I worked out. I would have less ache's and pains, and just feel happier throughout the day, etc. So, this time, I'm starting to work out, and making it public. I'm going to write in here once a week about how it's going. I need to keep to this. I know it'll help keep me sane and hopefully, make it more likely that I will keep it up. We'll see. I hope y'all will maybe help keep me accountable.

I'm going to go run in the park on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I have the time then, I just have to get up in the morning and do it. If I can find the motivation to do it this morning, in the freezing air, then hopefully, I'll be able to keep it up. I'm also going to work out with Caitie, when she goes, and work out at the gym on campus in my own time. I avoid that because I get really red and sweaty and hate working out in front of people, and especially when I have a class or ANYTHING to go to afterwards and won't have a chance for a shower. But, I think I need to ease up on that just a bit. Obviously showering when I can, but not NOT working out just because I might be a little sweaty for a while afterwards. Also, I'm going to try to wear, or at least bring the right work out clothes so I always have them, and can't use that as an excuse not to work out.

I already eat pretty well, although, of course I could do more. Like bringing my lunch to school instead of buying it every day. That would not only save me money, but it'd be healthier. I could cut soda completely out of my diet... I'm going to at least not drink them all the time. Let's say once a week, tops. And, of course, drinking more water. This will help my skin and throat as well, which for a singer is obviously crucial. :) So... here I go. Please pray for me, that I will stay motivated to do this regularly. Help me keep a positive attitude about my body and about this routine.

A friend of mine recently told me, "you've got a great body, and if only it were a little more toned, you'd be hott!" I don't know if that's true or not, but I'm going to try to keep that in mind as I strive for that. But also, I know it'll help me in my studies, to stay positive and motivated. Just running this morning has made me... have a better attitude in general! I thank you all in advanced for your encouragement and support. God bless!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


This is a crazy busy semester and so far I'm loving it! I'm not drowning yet, thank God, but I need to get ahead instead of just getting by for now, 'cause I know, it'll still catch up with me.

It's really easy, it seems like, to just let life pass on by. I keep focusing on the daily things I have to do, and a few of the things I currently want to do, and then occasionally I see an old picture or... I tell a friend, "when I have my own place I'll..." do whatever. And when that happens, I remember that THIS is my life. It's happening right now. If I don't do the things I want/ love to do now, I'm not going to make time for them "when I get my own place" or "when I can finally afford it" or whatever. It's hard to remember and it's difficult to grasp, but it is true.

Often, I want to just take a day, take my paint, my easel, a bottle of wine, and a good book and drive down some freeway until I find a gorgeous spot, pull over, and just spend the day there. And I always say, "when I have someone to share that with, I'll do it." But that may not be true. It may be that when I do have someone to share it with, they feel like doing something else, or they never have time to do that, or who knows. Life.... is really strange like that. It's all a balancing act. Balancing money, job, school, family, friends, hopes, desires, work and play, whew... it's exhausting. And I'm not sure it can ever all be balanced exactly right. and maybe spending your life trying to balance everything is pointless anyway, because, no matter how hard you try, it cannot ever totally be done.

Part of me says, "striving for perfection is good!" and another part says, "why bother?! it's hopeless!" I think the answer is... strive for it, but don't be disappointed when you can't achieve it all. You have to be okay with having a stain on your couch or a person you maybe aren't perfectly top notch with....

The point is, if you're not okay with those things, then you'll never be happy. There you have it.
I think I'm done. Thanks for reading!