Thursday, April 19, 2012

no pressure...

I'm finally about to graduate, assuming I pass all my classes, of course. My Senior Voice Recital is this Sunday. For those of you whom that means absolutely nothing... that's where I stand on a stage with nothing but a piano and accompanist and sing in 5 different languages for an hour... in heals... in front of everyone who gives a damn about me. Yeah... no pressure. This is on top of my finals, a paper, 2 presentations, a piano jury, a 2 night opera performance after a week full of rehearsals every night, and let's not forget about work.

I'm trying really hard not to worry. As someone told me today; "worry is the work of the devil." I'm doing my best not to give into that... but dear God, it's not easy. "What if's" plague my mind. I just have to stay calm and remember that no matter what happens, I will still be alive at the end of this... somehow. I think this is proof enough that God is amazing, because I sure as hell couldn't do all this on my own.

After I graduate... I have no idea what to do. I guess I'll figure that out later. It's half scary, half exciting... sometimes it's more like 80/20... or 20/80... I can't decide which. Doesn't matter though. Something's going to happen. I just hope and pray that that something is something really amazingly good... I really feel like I need something amazingly good to happen in my life right now. If things continue in this dreary way... well, I don't see much point or fun in that.

I'm trying to remember that I am ultimately in control. I am the one who'll decide where to go in life. So if a fall on my face, or actually succeed in whatever I end up shooting for, at least I'll know who to blame. :) God, give me strength (to be spontaneous and brave) and wisdom (to know where the hell to apply that bravery.)