Friday, November 19, 2010

little things > big things

The little things make up the big things.... so they matter just as much, if not more.

Seriously. This includes all sorts of things. It can be applied to almost every aspect of life. One such aspect is this: you can tell someone you love and respect them all day long, but if your actions say otherwise (even your small actions), that says a whole lot more.

Some examples, for those who still don't know what I mean: interrupting someone, talking over someone, demeaning them in any way, even in a "joking" manner. These things are rude. The responses you get from doing them are deserved. So stop doing them. There's nothing funny or cute about them.

I am so sick and tired of dealing with this from people and then getting told I'm overreacting when I get mad about them, and to "let it go". I've spent my life being stepped on, disrespected, and belittled, often in a "joking" manner. It's never been funny, but I've always put up with it. I've always "let it go," especially since it's often been people close to me.

I'm done. I should never have put up with it, and now I'm done.

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