Okay, I know it's coming out now because I'm watching the Bridges of Madison County, but this is something that I've really been thinking about for a while now. I don't mean to offend anyone in asking this question.
How can anyone honestly say to a person, "Not only will I love you forever, but you will be the only person I will ever love this much or in this way." That's hopefully what people are saying when they get married, right? And not just that, of course, but also "I will commit to you, be devoted to you, and put you before myself in every decision I make."
I truly want to know... how can anyone ever guarantee all of that? There's no way one could possibly know for sure, right?
I mean, I realize that marriage is saying "forsaking all others"... so I guess it's kinda open to the possibility, but you're saying if, on the off chance (because you're not going to be looking for love anywhere else), it happened and you actually fell in love with someone else, you would forsake them... you would deny them and remember your love for your spouse and that's it. Right? And I understand how that can be a beautiful, honorable commitment thing and probably be well worth forsaking others because it's unlikely that you'll ever fall in love with someone else more, hopefully.
However, life is unpredictable. You never really know what's going to happen next. And wouldn't it be a tremendous shame to meet the love of your life and have to forsake them because of a decision you made in the past?
sigh... I get that marriage could be wonderful. But there is always that chance, when you get married, that it won't be. And that is a tremendous gamble, if you don't ever intend to get divorced. Which, of course, one should never get married because they know that if it doesn't work out, divorce is always there. Right?
Don't get me wrong, I've had my experience with divorce, and it can be, and I venture to say it usually is, a WONDERFUL thing in the lives of these two people. However, no one starts a marriage wanting to get divorced. So, if in your head, divorce isn't an option for you... how can anyone honestly say... "for better or worse", and truly truly mean that?? I understand that it's a truly selfless thing to live life for someone else, and the only way to truly love anyone. However, it seems that if you don't truly love them for the rest of your life, you would just end up resenting them for that. Plus, if you fall in love with someone else, and feel trapped... then you probably aren't emotionally prepared to take care of anybody else. Right?
Am I making any sense at all? sigh.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Just a little update
So, I thought maybe I should put something regarding my life in this blog. You know, and how it's currently going.
Well, I just finally registered for classes for this Spring 2011 Semester, which is awesome, 'cause I wasn't sure I'd be able to go back this Semester. The fees went way way up and I owed the school a lot of money. By the grace of God I have that all paid off, and am now preparing for another Hell semester, in which I will somehow pass all my classes, give a killer recital, perform in West Side Story, and get a job sufficient enough to pay off the fees for this semester and save up for the Memorial Hermann Massage and Spa Therapy School this Summer. Sounds impossible, but I'm gonna do the best I can.
Schola Cantorum (the choir I'm in at HBU) is going to Vienna in August of this year, and while Vienna is like my second home, and I've wanted to go back ever since I left in 2008... going this year with them is really just a pipe dream. It all depends on the fund raising we are able to do. I'm not expecting anything amazing to happen... trying not to get my hopes up. But there is that slight slight SLIGHT possibility. :)
My family is a happy, healthy bunch, and I am overly blessed to have them in my life. I've been able to spend lots of time with my nieces and nephew over Christmas, and of course, am eternally grateful for every second of that precious time. I know I say I don't want kids, for practical reasons, but deep in my soul, of course I love kids... especially these kids!! I'm the luckiest Aunt on the planet.
On top of this... anytime me and my three siblings are actually all together at once is a rarity and a blessing.
And so, life goes on. It's scary, and never perfect, but I feel so lucky to have these people in it.
I hope y'all all had a wonderful 2010 and I hope for an incredible 2011!!!
Well, I just finally registered for classes for this Spring 2011 Semester, which is awesome, 'cause I wasn't sure I'd be able to go back this Semester. The fees went way way up and I owed the school a lot of money. By the grace of God I have that all paid off, and am now preparing for another Hell semester, in which I will somehow pass all my classes, give a killer recital, perform in West Side Story, and get a job sufficient enough to pay off the fees for this semester and save up for the Memorial Hermann Massage and Spa Therapy School this Summer. Sounds impossible, but I'm gonna do the best I can.
Schola Cantorum (the choir I'm in at HBU) is going to Vienna in August of this year, and while Vienna is like my second home, and I've wanted to go back ever since I left in 2008... going this year with them is really just a pipe dream. It all depends on the fund raising we are able to do. I'm not expecting anything amazing to happen... trying not to get my hopes up. But there is that slight slight SLIGHT possibility. :)
My family is a happy, healthy bunch, and I am overly blessed to have them in my life. I've been able to spend lots of time with my nieces and nephew over Christmas, and of course, am eternally grateful for every second of that precious time. I know I say I don't want kids, for practical reasons, but deep in my soul, of course I love kids... especially these kids!! I'm the luckiest Aunt on the planet.
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Lily-20 months |
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Cassidy-5 and Logan-3 1/3 |
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Mom, Keren, Caleb, Me and Chris |
I hope y'all all had a wonderful 2010 and I hope for an incredible 2011!!!
Friday, November 19, 2010
little things > big things
The little things make up the big things.... so they matter just as much, if not more.
Seriously. This includes all sorts of things. It can be applied to almost every aspect of life. One such aspect is this: you can tell someone you love and respect them all day long, but if your actions say otherwise (even your small actions), that says a whole lot more.
Some examples, for those who still don't know what I mean: interrupting someone, talking over someone, demeaning them in any way, even in a "joking" manner. These things are rude. The responses you get from doing them are deserved. So stop doing them. There's nothing funny or cute about them.
I am so sick and tired of dealing with this from people and then getting told I'm overreacting when I get mad about them, and to "let it go". I've spent my life being stepped on, disrespected, and belittled, often in a "joking" manner. It's never been funny, but I've always put up with it. I've always "let it go," especially since it's often been people close to me.
I'm done. I should never have put up with it, and now I'm done.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thank God
I have been going without a steady job for.... 8 months now, and through His grace, I have been able to stay afloat. And now, I do have a steady job, except I'm not killing myself like I was at Papasito's-- I'm just singing in a choir at a church and babysitting, and I am so so grateful for the ability to do this. I complain about being stuck at home a lot, but in all honesty, I am extremely blessed to still have that kind of relationship with my mother, and my new (-ish) step-dad and to have the ability to live at home with them. Especially in this insane economy, I know I could never afford my own place while going to school full-time.
I am writing this because I complain a lot. We've all got problems (especially my fellow huskies and I, right now) and there is always soooo much to get off of our chests. So I'm writing this to acknowledge the fact that there is also soooo much to be thankful for. We tend to take it for granted. We forget that that homeless person on the corner begging, could absolutely be us someday. It could. America is not a bubble of ignorant happiness, as we would like to believe. Things can, and are, going wrong everyday, and this country could absolutely fall flat on its face. In fact, it's well on its way to doing so. So be grateful... for every day you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep on, a car to take you from here to there, the ability to go and get that education that we SO take for granted.... truly think about the fact that we could go on forever listing all the things we have that we take for granted. God never said life would be easy.... I'm pretty sure that nobody ever said that. They said it'd be hard... but believe it or not, it is also worth it. It really is, or at least it can be. It's up to you.
"Life is what you make of it; kinda like Play-Do." So make it great. We forget that at the end of the day, how our day went totally depends on us... how we react to things, how we handle them, what we did with our day. We also forget to think about other people more than we think of ourselves. 'Cause it's our life, right?! We should be front and center, duh!!! But the truth is, that selfish attitude is what has made the world as corrupt and evil as it is today. Imagine for a second if everyone put those they love before themselves in every decision they made. Now I know it's difficult, but imagine that people didn't just put those they loved before themselves all the time, but in some situations even put strangers before themselves. Imagine how incredible that world would be.
I'm often reminded of a scene from the first Sex and the City movie:
Samantha: "I can't believe that my life revolves around a man. On what planet did I allow that to happen?"
Charlotte: "But you love him!"
Samantha: "Does that mean saying his name 50 times more a day than I say my own? Does it mean worrying about him and his needs before me and mine? Is it all about the other person? Is that love?!"
I'm convinced that, yes, that is exactly what love is. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying completely forget about yourself. You can't possibly take care of anyone else if you're not being taken care of. I'm just saying that a persons' decisions, even regarding there own life, are NEVER going to only affect themselves, and if we don't start thinking about the other people we're affecting, how can we ever expect to make this world any better? The people we love should be the reason we take care of ourselves, you know? They are what make life worth living. They should be the most important thing in our lives; not ourselves.
For the record: I do not always do this. I am not yelling at everyone else for being selfish. I simply mean to give myself, and my friends, a friendly reminder of what love is and what is truly important in life, because I know how easy it is to get caught up in the mundane and forget.
Thanks for reading. I hope this helps in some small way. I love you all! Goodnight.
I am writing this because I complain a lot. We've all got problems (especially my fellow huskies and I, right now) and there is always soooo much to get off of our chests. So I'm writing this to acknowledge the fact that there is also soooo much to be thankful for. We tend to take it for granted. We forget that that homeless person on the corner begging, could absolutely be us someday. It could. America is not a bubble of ignorant happiness, as we would like to believe. Things can, and are, going wrong everyday, and this country could absolutely fall flat on its face. In fact, it's well on its way to doing so. So be grateful... for every day you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep on, a car to take you from here to there, the ability to go and get that education that we SO take for granted.... truly think about the fact that we could go on forever listing all the things we have that we take for granted. God never said life would be easy.... I'm pretty sure that nobody ever said that. They said it'd be hard... but believe it or not, it is also worth it. It really is, or at least it can be. It's up to you.
"Life is what you make of it; kinda like Play-Do." So make it great. We forget that at the end of the day, how our day went totally depends on us... how we react to things, how we handle them, what we did with our day. We also forget to think about other people more than we think of ourselves. 'Cause it's our life, right?! We should be front and center, duh!!! But the truth is, that selfish attitude is what has made the world as corrupt and evil as it is today. Imagine for a second if everyone put those they love before themselves in every decision they made. Now I know it's difficult, but imagine that people didn't just put those they loved before themselves all the time, but in some situations even put strangers before themselves. Imagine how incredible that world would be.
I'm often reminded of a scene from the first Sex and the City movie:
Samantha: "I can't believe that my life revolves around a man. On what planet did I allow that to happen?"
Charlotte: "But you love him!"
Samantha: "Does that mean saying his name 50 times more a day than I say my own? Does it mean worrying about him and his needs before me and mine? Is it all about the other person? Is that love?!"
I'm convinced that, yes, that is exactly what love is. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying completely forget about yourself. You can't possibly take care of anyone else if you're not being taken care of. I'm just saying that a persons' decisions, even regarding there own life, are NEVER going to only affect themselves, and if we don't start thinking about the other people we're affecting, how can we ever expect to make this world any better? The people we love should be the reason we take care of ourselves, you know? They are what make life worth living. They should be the most important thing in our lives; not ourselves.
For the record: I do not always do this. I am not yelling at everyone else for being selfish. I simply mean to give myself, and my friends, a friendly reminder of what love is and what is truly important in life, because I know how easy it is to get caught up in the mundane and forget.
Thanks for reading. I hope this helps in some small way. I love you all! Goodnight.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
New Friends
It's amazing to me how instantly and completely new friends can change your life. I love meeting new people; you never know what you'll find there. I've been very lucky to get to know some people I've gone to school with for a while now, and they're just... wonderful people. I don't know how I'd get through the rest of my 2+ years at HBU without them. God truly does provide what we need, in his time.
It's funny how I'm going through life, doing my thing, and I've looked around me and found that many people in my generation are on the same general track. They want the same things I do. Many don't want kids, or at least aren't sure about it. Many aren't sure about ever getting married. Many want to travel rather than settle down. Many want to shoot for their dreams rather than get all the bills paid at a job that they hate. I feel less alone in all of these things. I find it so interesting that I've met so many people who feel the same way I do about so many things. I suppose it's a cultural shift, and not just a me thing, but that's okay. Culture is bound to influence our lives; I just hope and pray it's what God wants, and that it's for the best.
It's often so difficult for me to know for certain what God wants for me in my life. But being true to who I am (who He's made me to be) is the best way that I've figured out so far.
I can't wait to share a great apartment with my friend, Gerardo.
I can't wait to live in Vienna for a time and see who I meet there, and possibly take some friends with me.
I can't wait to graduate and go live in Austin.
I pray to God for the strength to follow my heart and not be afraid to keep an open mind, because being open to new things and following your heart is the only way to live life to the fullest and be there for your loved ones, and anyone else you may come into contact with. I'm also certain that it's the only way to truly share God's love.
It's funny how I'm going through life, doing my thing, and I've looked around me and found that many people in my generation are on the same general track. They want the same things I do. Many don't want kids, or at least aren't sure about it. Many aren't sure about ever getting married. Many want to travel rather than settle down. Many want to shoot for their dreams rather than get all the bills paid at a job that they hate. I feel less alone in all of these things. I find it so interesting that I've met so many people who feel the same way I do about so many things. I suppose it's a cultural shift, and not just a me thing, but that's okay. Culture is bound to influence our lives; I just hope and pray it's what God wants, and that it's for the best.
It's often so difficult for me to know for certain what God wants for me in my life. But being true to who I am (who He's made me to be) is the best way that I've figured out so far.
I can't wait to share a great apartment with my friend, Gerardo.
I can't wait to live in Vienna for a time and see who I meet there, and possibly take some friends with me.
I can't wait to graduate and go live in Austin.
I pray to God for the strength to follow my heart and not be afraid to keep an open mind, because being open to new things and following your heart is the only way to live life to the fullest and be there for your loved ones, and anyone else you may come into contact with. I'm also certain that it's the only way to truly share God's love.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I often feel pretty crappy about the state of the world and life lately. I often feel like nothing I do really matters, and the world is just going to continue going to pot and there's nothing I can do about it. And while that may be true, for some reason, when I go to this opera rehearsal I've been doing, I immediately feel ten thousand times better. I had a whole post written out before I went to rehearsal full of complaints about the world and not knowing what I could possibly do about it. But now I feel like, sure, the world may keep on sucking, but I'm going to do the best I can to make it better, and I feel like when I'm performing, somehow, I'm doing that. Maybe it's just my life I'm making better, but I feel like, and I hope, that it rubs off on others. It may be stupid, but it makes life better, and I'm not going to argue with that.
Friday, August 6, 2010
I'm a little confused as to what exactly this word actually means. I mean... when someone does something disrespectful or whatever, I can't imagine that you would be expected to just let it go and keep treating them like nothing is wrong. And yet, that's what people seem to expect, of me at least. Maybe that's what I've done in the past: I've been angry for a while, but eventually let it go and forgot about it. Well, the thing is, that that didn't solve anything. The person I had done that to would just continue to treat me in the same way. When it's someone that is permanently in your life, what do you do about it? Ideally, this person wouldn't treat you this way in the first place, and yes, everyone makes mistakes, but to do it consistently is ridiculous; and to put up with it would be even more ridiculous not to mention unfair to you. No one should have to put up with being mistreated, no matter who's doing it. But then, everyone is expected, by God, to forgive each other. So my question is... what does it mean to forgive? Does that mean letting it go and forgetting and continuing to let them treat you this way? I can't imagine that that would be correct. Does it just mean know that everyone makes mistakes and don't hold it against them? Is being angry at the person holding it against them? And if so, how can you possibly forgive someone if you are angry at them and refuse to let it go? I want to forgive this person, but I refuse to let him continue to treat me this way, and I don't even want to speak to him since he hasn't shown any remorse for his actions. So, my first step is trying to figure out exactly what forgiveness is and what it means, and I haven't been able to do that for myself. So, I am asking for y'alls opinions.
Am I focusing on the wrong thing? Instead of worrying about what forgiveness means, should I just go on with life being angry? How can you stop being angry at someone when they aren't sorry for what they've done? Maybe that will just come with time? Man, if I'm having trouble with this, I can't even imagine how hard forgiveness must be for say, a parent who's child was murdered or something. In that case, even if the parent did manage to somehow forgive the person who did it, that person would still be expected to pay for their actions. What "punishment" could I possibly bestow that would be fair "payment" for what he did? I guess all I have is to not talk to them anymore, until they at least realize what they did and are remorseful. But what if that never happens? I don't expect it to ever happen. Does that mean never speaking to this person again? I guess it does. And I don't know how that'll ever work, and it is so sad to lose this person, but... I think it is for the best, because I don't deserve to be treated this way.
Am I focusing on the wrong thing? Instead of worrying about what forgiveness means, should I just go on with life being angry? How can you stop being angry at someone when they aren't sorry for what they've done? Maybe that will just come with time? Man, if I'm having trouble with this, I can't even imagine how hard forgiveness must be for say, a parent who's child was murdered or something. In that case, even if the parent did manage to somehow forgive the person who did it, that person would still be expected to pay for their actions. What "punishment" could I possibly bestow that would be fair "payment" for what he did? I guess all I have is to not talk to them anymore, until they at least realize what they did and are remorseful. But what if that never happens? I don't expect it to ever happen. Does that mean never speaking to this person again? I guess it does. And I don't know how that'll ever work, and it is so sad to lose this person, but... I think it is for the best, because I don't deserve to be treated this way.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Chelsea Handler rocks my socks.
Ya gotta have respect for Comedians, because they aren't afraid to say whatever the hell they want. Lawsuits don't scare these people, and I love that, 'cause pretty much everyone else in the public view has to be so overly careful what they say all the time. Ya know what, if we can't make fun of ourselves, then we are living some sad little lives. It's time to relax, stop jumping down everyone's throat if they say something that offends you, and just flat out try harder to get along. I know that people are rude sometimes, but stop and wonder if you're not just being overly sensitive. And either way, sometimes it's better just to let it go. Often, people who say things like this, don't really mean it anyway. Something in their head may have come out the wrong way, or maybe they're just not thinking and repeating something they've heard recently. I know I do that sometimes, as stupid as it is, and I always feel like a jackass afterwards. The point is, people make mistakes, even in everyday conversations. Relax, take a breath, and maybe we'll all get along a little easier, and maybe even have some fun while we're at it.
Ya gotta have respect for Comedians, because they aren't afraid to say whatever the hell they want. Lawsuits don't scare these people, and I love that, 'cause pretty much everyone else in the public view has to be so overly careful what they say all the time. Ya know what, if we can't make fun of ourselves, then we are living some sad little lives. It's time to relax, stop jumping down everyone's throat if they say something that offends you, and just flat out try harder to get along. I know that people are rude sometimes, but stop and wonder if you're not just being overly sensitive. And either way, sometimes it's better just to let it go. Often, people who say things like this, don't really mean it anyway. Something in their head may have come out the wrong way, or maybe they're just not thinking and repeating something they've heard recently. I know I do that sometimes, as stupid as it is, and I always feel like a jackass afterwards. The point is, people make mistakes, even in everyday conversations. Relax, take a breath, and maybe we'll all get along a little easier, and maybe even have some fun while we're at it.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Whole Wide World - Wreckless Eric
Check out the colorful chandelier in the beginning of the above clip. Yeah, I want that. This movie is just fabulous. If you haven't seen it, you desperately need to.
I got a new, better email address, hence, a new and better blog. Even though no one reads this, I just like to write in it, post stuff, etc. in hopes that someone out there will read it. Or maybe I'm just making my life easier to stalk, I don't know. whatever.
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